Sunday, March 12, 2017

Time Managment Quiz

Time management Quiz 
Now, we are going to see how well you manage your time. Please answer the following questions:
Yes = 3             Sometimes = 2               No = 1
1. I have a place to study____________
      2. I have regular time for studying each day____________
3. I write my homework assignments and tests in my planning organizer or monthly calendar__________
4. My study place contains all of the materials I need in order to study or to do my homework________________
5. I start working on my essays/research papers, planning and researching, as soon as they are assigned rather than waiting until the last minute________
6. I bring my textbooks and homework materials home to be able to successfully complete my homework___________
7. I have a binder with dividers so that I can organize the materials for each of my classes.
Next, total your score:
( _____Yes x 3) =____________
( _____Sometimes x 2) =____________
( _____ No x 1) =____________
Total Points
How well are you managing your time?
Let’s see how you did!
If you scored
Great: You have awesome study skills. Keep up the good work. Review the tips on the next page so you can learn other tips.
Okay: You have some good habits, but you can use a little improvement. Keep hitting those books, and pay attention to the study tips on the next page.
Need Improvement: You can use some help with your study habits. Use some of the tips on the next page to get you on the path to success.
2. Read the Study Techniques (Take Notes)
Write down the main ideas. Circle the ones you already do. Number them. 
Here are some study tips to help you study better and develop good study habits.
Check off the tips you are already using.
When & where to study
❒A good study place:
One of the most important tips for effective studying is to have a productive place to study. Your study space should be available whenever you need it, free from interruptions and distractions and large enough to lay out your book, notebook and other study materials. Make sure your study space also has a comfortable chair, enough light to see well and is a comfortable temperature.
❒Best time of day to study:
Pay attention to when you are the most alert. Do you learn better in the afternoon, evening or night? Decide if you do better studying directly after school or later at night and then make that your regular study time.
❒Stick to a routine:
Make a study schedule for yourself. For example, “Monday-Thursday I will study
from 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. and on Sunday’s I will study from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. because I concentrate better at night when my little brothers are asleep.”
How to get organized
❒Organize your school notes, work and assignments using a binder.
Have a divider for each class that you have.You should also have a notebook for each of your classes that you should use to take your notes.
❒Write your tests, homework assignments in a daily planner or calendar.
Write when your homework assignments are due as well as when you’ll have tests. This will help you keep track of when your homework is due so that you turn it in on time. It will also help you remember when your tests are so that you plan your study time accordingly rather than studying at the last minute.
Tips of effective studying
❒Take breaks from studying:You do not have to study for three hours straight, give yourself a 3-7 minute break every hour. This will help you refocus if your mind starts wondering.
❒Vary your study activity:
During your study time try alternating learning strategies so that you stay
focused. For example, if you are reading silently, try reading out loud and taking notes.
❒Put the information in YOUR words:
Test your understanding by explaining the subject to one of your friends using your own words.
❒Store information in different ways:
Information is stored in the brain through sight, sound, and touch. When you study, store information with as many senses as possible. Don’t just read about it.
Say it out loud. Hear it. Write it down. Draw it. Act it out. When you need the information (during the test, for example) you can retrieve it in many ways.
❒Learn by teaching:
You can learn a lot by explaining the material to someone else. Chances are that’s
why students who study in pairs or groups get better test grades. Ask your friends to test you and explain what you don’t understand.
❒Look for solutions:
If you tried studying on your own and with a friend and you still do not
understand the material you are learning, try something else; ask your teacher for help, look for atutor, start a study group. The point is to look for a solution, don’t just give up!
❒Reward yourself! Give yourself a reward when you have successfully completed a task or have done well on a test such as calling a friend, eating a treat, talking a walk, etc.